Here you will find the the most asked questions from my clients.


What is cosmetic tattooing?

Cosmetic tattooing, also called permanent makeup or micropigmentation, is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of a tiny, sterile, disposable needle to produce the appearance of cosmetic makeup or to enhance the natural features of the face.

Does it hurt?

I use a highly effective topical anesthetic cream before and during the procedure.

Pain tolerance varies from client to client but every effort is made to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure.

How many sessions do I need?

Most clients usually need 2 sessions, at least 6-8 weeks apart. Sometimes just one session is sufficient, but a touch up session is recommended.

Second session is considered the perfection session where we see how you healed and make any necessary adjustments to color.

In some cases, clients with very sparse brows, alopecia, trichotillomania or very oily skin, an additional touch up session would be necessary, I recommend getting it at least 6 months after your initial session to give it time to completely heal and don’t over work the skin.

How long does it last?

Cosmetic tattooing can last anywhere from 10 months to 3 years depending on your skin type, skin care, lifestyle and aftercare.

I recommend getting a touch up yearly to boost the color. 

Can I get Microblading if I have previous work?

I work on previously tattooed or microbladed brows case by case, a photo must be emailed, so I can see how faded your previous work is or if there’s any scaring.

How to prepare for my appointment?

  • Avoid caffeine the day of your appointment.  

  • Do not work out the day of your appointment. 

  • Wash your hair the day of your appointment.

  • Do not drink alcohol the night before or day of your procedure. 

  • You cannot take any medications that may thin your blood (i.e. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, Vitamin E) 72 hours before or immediately after your procedure. 

  • You must NOT use Retin-A near the tattooed area before or after the procedure.

    *Doing any of the above may cause bleeding, which affects how well your body retains pigment.

  • Eat something before your appointment. Lack of eating or sleeping can cause blood sugar problems. Appointment takes 2-3 hours. 

How is shape and color decided?

I will design a shape for your brows based on your facial bone structure and your personal style.

We'll choose a pigment color that compliments your skin tone and matches your natural hair color.

How do I take care of my new cosmetic tattoo?

You will be sent home with a very detailed aftercare instructions guide and a healing cream.

It’s extremely important you follow your aftercare instructions.

What's the healing process like? And how long does it take to heal?

The first day it’s a little bit of swelling and you’ll have a mild redness, it would look darker and bolder, this will happen for the 3-5 days after your appointment, the next few days it would get a little bit scabby, but nothing crazy. You can’t wear makeup for the first two weeks. (On the tattooed area)

It takes a month to fully heal and the second session needs to be done 6-8 weeks after the first session.

How to protect my cosmetic tattoo after it heals?

Microblading on oily skin fades much faster, being exposed to salt water and sweat will fade them quicker as well, so clean the brows with a gentle soap after a swim or workout; oily clients need to have touch ups more often than drier clients.

If you have very oily skin I’ll recommend using blotting paper several times a day that helps a lot during the healing process to absorb oil and sweat, and use big sunglasses to protect your brows from the sun, once the brows are healed I would recommend using a non oily SPF on the brows to avoid sunburn or overtaning.

Who should not get a cosmetic tattoo? (Contraindications)

  • Pregnancy

  • Diabetic

  • Serious diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders (doctor’s note is required)

  • You’re taking blood thinning medication

  • Currently on Accutane or other strong retinoids (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)

  • If any skin diseases symptoms or irritation appears on the area

  • After Botox or chemical peels (must wait two weeks)

How to book an appointment?

Go to the Book an appointment and send me a message directly.

Have more questions?

Please contact me via the Booking form and I’ll answer all your questions.

Can’t wait to meet you all!