Welcome to Zeta - NYC Cosmetic Tattooing.




Lip Blush



Want to give your brows some love?

Client testimonials

“My brows are already quite full but had been overly waxed at the wings and lacked shape, Zeta mixed the perfect color for me and the result looks just like my natural eyebrows but better. The first week looks very intense but don't worry, they will end up looking amazing!”

— Emma R

"Getting my brows microbladed was the best gift I ever gave myself and Zeta is an absolute brow goddess.".

— Michelle G

"Today I had my first touchup and I'm as blown away as I was the first time!! Thank you thank you thank you X 1000000!".

— Ezra A.

"But seriously, you HAVE to see her work in-person. Zeta is an artist. She makes brows look so natural.
PSA: YOU NEED THIS! Zeta is magical. You will not regret it!".

— Stephanie Q.